Baby Boomers are in transition. After years of working for others including family and companies, Boomers are getting laid off or downsized; some are just on the move and trying to start over at a later age in life.  Others are retiring, but even more are finally moving into career, work and businesses they always dreamed of doing. 

Does this sound like you?  If you’re in the Boomer generation, born between 1946 and 1964, you could be in a state of flux right now.  So what are you going to do? 

First of all, be happy!  In fact, look at the situation as the opportunity to be a maverick in your industry and create something new and exciting that only your years of experiences can produce.

You definitely will find that you have special skills, knowledge and expertise that other people are willing to pay for.  You might not recognize these areas at first because you take these things for granted. 

But don’t fear; help is on the way. One idea is to take an assessment of your talents, skills, years of experience and transferable skills and start a practice as a Coach or Consulting.  Take your area of specialization and bring those talents back to the entrepreneurial or corporate world in an independent manner. 

But don’t stop with what you’ve already done.  This is the time to also explore what you’ve always wanted to do.  Dig deep inside and pull out that long hidden dream venture and see what it takes to turn that into an income stream. 

Change and transition for Boomers can finally present an opening to do what you’ve wanted to pursue for a lifetime. Be brave, be bold be a maverick Boomer.