Every successful business runs on organized systems.  If you don’t think so, go through a day with no plan.  You’ll end up feeling that your head is spinning and that you went in circles all day. 

Systems keep you on track.  They are the step by step process you do each and every time a certain activity is required in the business.  They are your routines that work. They are the roadmaps and GPS voice that gets you from Point A to Point Finish each day.  Systems chart the steps to your goals.

Are you convinced that systems in business are important?  

Working without written systems is an invitation for disaster.  In order to reach goals you have to write them down, chart your progress towards them and be sure to make measurable steps everyday towards those goals. 

Properly written systems of operation can serve as a check list of everything you must do each day to stay on track.  For example, it can be as simple as knowing that your starting routine each and everyday is to go first to your written to-do list from the day before and start with that priority early morning call to the customer that must be contacted in order to reach your goal. This keeps you from turning on email first, surfing the web or getting distracted.

Your system might tell you to start blogging immediately, check your stats to see where web traffic came from your latest article postings or see if you had any automated sales in your shopping cart. 

After step one, move on to step two.  Systems will guide you day and let you move to success. Start a simple system to chart your daily operations by scheduling your work day on a daily planner.  Use an online scheduling systems such as Outlook or a physical planner.  Many people enjoy having a physical planner where you can lay out your day and get a quick visual of where you a break for unexpected opportunities or where you don’t.

Each day should have some basic routines. Get to work at a certain time and stay focused on the tasks you have to do.  Take a 15 minute break mid-morning and go back to work until your lunch break.  Then give yourself a good hour to eat, rest, exercise or do other chores and running around.  Just like working at an office, come back to work after your break and start on your afternoon routine of working.

The problem with working on your own is keeping disciplined to keep your routine going.  That’s where failure can come for the small, independent business professional.  Setting up and sticking to your system will make a tremendous difference in your work life and your bottom line.