Winter usually brings colder temperatures in most parts of the world. To fight the biting cold, learn how to dress warmly inside and when going out.

Kids especially have a hard time dressing properly when it is cold outside. They stay out too long because they want to play and then come in resembling tiny ice blocks that need to thaw by the fire. You can help them and yourself.

* Dress in layers – The purpose of layers is to be able to stay warm in the cold and when the temperature warms up a little. Here’s how to do it. Start with a wicking layer close to the body. Use clothing that is made up of polyester and other materials that are designed to pull moisture from your body so you don’t get cold in a strong wind.

Next, choose a fleece layer that will insulate you and hold in warmth. It can be a hoodie or a jacket. On top of that, wear a waterproof layer. It is helpful if you fall down or get into a snow bank. You can brush off the snow without wetting the other layers of clothing.

* Wear hats – About half of our heat is lost through the tops of our head. Wearing hats reduces the heat loss. Be sure that it is snug on your head and has a waterproof outer layer so that no snow or other moisture can get in and soak your head.

* Wear gloves – Hands are prone to getting cold and that could lead to frostbite. Choose gloves that are warm but allow you to use your fingers. Wearing glove liners can further protect your hands from the elements.

* Avoid cotton near the skin – This includes your inner top and your socks. When socks get wet, cotton holds the moisture near the skin. Choose thick wool to keep them warm but not wet.

* Wear boots – Boots are insulated to keep feet warm and from getting wet. They also have high sides so that snow doesn’t drop into them. Tuck your pant legs into your boots.

* Scarves – Hats don’t usually cover the neck and, unless you have long hair, it is routinely exposed. Scarves even under jackets with hoods keep the wind from chilling that area. They are also stylish for kids and adults.

* Choose clothing that is not bulky – You don’t want movement to be restricted. This can be a problem when trying to get out of the way quickly or getting up after a fall. Mobility still needs to be a priority. And, you don’t want to be overheated should the weather turn warmer. Sweat can turn to cold with a brisk wind and also reduce your heat from within.

How are you dressing this winter? Here are some tips to get you started.