If you want start targeted the Baby Boomer consumer demographic in your marketing efforts and desire to develop a sustained customer base with Baby Boomers, show Boomers that you understand they are a savvy group of potential customers. When you advertise to this market group, show that you know what you are talking about and deliver a message that speaks Boomer language while addressing their interests. 

To market to Boomers means to know them. This group is young at heart and in their minds. They are sharp when it comes to technology (remember that the people who invented and pioneered the new technological concepts are now a part of the Boomer target group).  

Contrary to some popular beliefs, Boomers learn fast, think fast, and expect fast results and they are not afraid of the Internet! 

So What Marketing Message is Needed? 

To reach the Baby Boomer market, approach them with a marketing message that is honest, respectful, and sensitive to their needs.  According to the Focalyst research group, a study showed that “nearly half of the Baby Boom Generation believes there is little truth in advertising and more than 60% wish ads had more real information, suggesting that America’s advertising industry may be missing the mark in targeting the most affluent generation in U.S. History” (Advertisers fail, 2006). 

Give adequate information in your marketing to allow Boomers to make an informed decision on a topic. Review your advertising copy. Does it really give enough information to understand your product or service? Some advertisers want to be clever and end up confusing the consumer instead of making their message clear.  Baby Boomers do business with marketers who give clear, honest, informed messages about their product or service.  

Even large marketing firms make a major mistake when marketing to Boomers. Research found that “more than 70% (of Boomers) are less likely to buy a product if an ad offends them. More than 50% say there is little truth in advertising” (Advertisers fail, 2006). 

Learn to develop marketing messages that shows respect for the  diverse experiences and backgrounds of Baby Boomers.  Use techniquies that reach a market where diversity embraces differences in ethnic, cultural, gender, lifestyle, social, economic, and religious areas. Use language and a message that is sensitive and respectful to Boomer needs and desires in the market.