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Increase Business with Audio Internet Marketing

Adding audio to your websites and blog is a great way to increase the content your offer visitors. Audio provides a new communication strategy that broadens your product offerings and marketing tools and motivates purchases. Here are seven top ways audio can help to motivate purchases as an internet marketing tool.

By |2010-05-25T06:08:05+00:006:08 am|Marketing|0 Comments

Increase Business with Audio Internet Marketing

Adding audio to your websites and blog is a great way to increase the content your offer visitors. Audio provides a new communication strategy that broadens your product offerings and marketing tools and motivates purchases. Here are seven top ways audio can help to motivate purchases as an internet marketing tool.

By |2010-04-30T06:08:05+00:006:08 am|Marketing|0 Comments

Planning Updates

Planning a conference is a huge undertaking. I've been planning events for decades. I can't really remember the first event I planned but it was probably back in elementary school. Being an introvert, the best way to bring people together was to plan a gathering where I could do some of the facilitating. This helped to "break the ice" with the people that attended. Then the talking wasn't so difficult.

By |2010-04-07T17:50:14+00:005:50 pm|Marketing|0 Comments

Where Boomers Spend Money Now

What are Boomers spending their money on these days? The answer could be lenghty but here are five areas where Boomers are spending significant dollars. Since Boomers are less likely to move into a traditional mode of retirement like the generation before them, they will need products and services that help them continue living a healthy and active life.

By |2010-03-03T22:14:23+00:0010:14 pm|Business Growth, Marketing|0 Comments

How to Market to Boomers

If you want start targeted the Baby Boomer consumer demographic in your marketing efforts and desire to develop a sustained customer base with Baby Boomers, show Boomers that you understand they are a savvy group of potential customers. When you advertise to this market group, show that you know what you are talking about and deliver a message that speaks Boomer language while addressing their interests.

By |2010-03-03T22:08:25+00:0010:08 pm|Business Growth, Marketing|0 Comments

Build a Boomer Eager Business Reputation

If someone had a billion dollars and offered to give you some, would you take the time to build up the professional reputation needed to work with that person? Well, that's what's happening when it comes to the Baby Boomer consumer market. This group is a billion-dollar market that's open and ready to work with Boomers and others that have the prodcuts and services they seek.

By |2010-03-03T22:02:56+00:0010:02 pm|Business Growth|0 Comments
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