Most search engines now offer PPC advertising programs. As an entrepreneur, PPC advertising can be an excellent way to grow your business. PPC advertising enables you to create highly targeted ads with a very controlled budget. Additionally, most PPC programs offer a wealth of analytic tools so you can optimize each advertisement you create.

If you’re taking a look at various PPC advertising programs, consider Bing.

The Benefits of PPC Advertising on Bing

You may be hesitant to advertise on Bing because it’s a new search engine, right? Actually, Bing has been around for longer than most other search engines. Bing was formerly MSN. MSN and Yahoo joined forces and the result was Bing. This means when you advertise on Bing you’re tapping into the combined technologies and resources of Yahoo and MSN.

Signing up with Bing advertising is quick and easy. You simply visit and sign up. Signing up is free.

You can import your ads from Google and Yahoo campaigns to Bing via their ad center. This means you don’t have to duplicate your efforts to create your ad campaigns.

Business owners can target specific demographics. You can also focus on geographic areas using Bing’s ad center tools. This means that you can create specific advertisements for extremely targeted groups of people. As you likely know, the more you can target your ad to your specific audience the better your ad’s results.

For example, if you sell fitness information you can target an ad to your specific audiences. One ad can be created to reach singles. One ad can be created to reach your local prospects. Another advertisement can be created to reach post pregnancy women. Each ad can be written for a specific target audience.

Microsoft Ad Center, aka Bing PPC, enables you to reach their 93.6 million monthly users.

Finally, like other PPC campaigns the ad center is easy to use. You can create a budget that fits your needs and control or adjust that budget as your needs change. You also have access to important advertising performance statistics. This information will help you fine-tune your advertisements for optimal results.

When looking to create a PPC ad for your business, consider advertising with Bing. If you’re still unsure which is better for your needs, create a test ad. Place one ad with Google and an identical ad with Bing. Compare results. You may likely find that Bing is the best place for you.