National Association for Christian Women in Business

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Should Christian Business Women Hire a Marketing Consultant?

Depending on your business and how far along you are, a marketing consultant may be important in helping your business to grow. Christian business women are now starting to work with marketing consultants to assist with entrepreneurial firms, large corporations or non-profits. Marketing consultant have client businesses that span a whole range of different industries. Essentially, any company that's focused on marketing, that cares about their brand or wants to bring in new customers could use the services of a marketing consultant. Knowing exactly which types of clients you're targeting will help you attract and close more of those clients.

By |2013-04-15T05:03:00+00:005:03 am|Marketing|0 Comments

7 Top Keys to a Successful Live Event

Live events are one of the best ways to market your business to people from diverse background. Organizing a live event takes skill and attention to detail. Everyone may not have the patience or ability to put on a live event. But a live event can bring your prestige and increase your reputation as the expert in your industry. There are certain key factors that make an event successful. Here are seven top factors for you to consider as you start organization your event.

By |2010-05-26T07:47:13+00:007:47 am|Confidence|0 Comments

Build a Boomer Eager Business Reputation

If someone had a billion dollars and offered to give you some, would you take the time to build up the professional reputation needed to work with that person? Well, that's what's happening when it comes to the Baby Boomer consumer market. This group is a billion-dollar market that's open and ready to work with Boomers and others that have the prodcuts and services they seek.

By |2010-03-03T22:02:56+00:0010:02 pm|Business Growth|0 Comments

Marketing Your Competitive Edge

All organizations have a lot of competition, particularly as the economic situation tightens up in the marketplace. When potential clients do competition research, what will they find out about your company that is different from any others in your industry? Answering that identifies your competitive advantage. Here are 7 top areas you can use to establish a competitive advantage in your organization.

By |2010-03-03T20:56:14+00:008:56 pm|Business Growth, Marketing|0 Comments
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