National Association for Christian Women in Business

life purpose

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Why Do You Hold Back?

Does it feel like you're holding back on your real purpose and talents? Do you feel that you're only living life half way? Don't get too hard on yourself if that's what you feel. There seems to be some type of epidemic going on with professional, mid-life women.

By |2010-08-21T00:19:26+00:0012:19 am|Living on Purpose|0 Comments

Ideas to Action for Start-Up Business Success

Take time to put good ideas into practice. Learn from the successes of others and start with one or two ideas at a time. You could soon find yourself heading straight towards business start up success and be the business woman others come to admire. These three ideas are just the tip of the iceberg of ideas of what you can do to have a successful start up business.

By |2010-05-26T05:22:32+00:005:22 am|Confidence|0 Comments

Push Through the Fear to Succeed

A huge difference between women who achieve the life they want to live and other women is that they learn to face their fears and control them. They refuse to let the fear of failure control them or hold them back. Decide to stop letting the fear of failure steal the goodness you deserve and desire in life. Here are a few keys to get fear under control.

By |2010-05-25T06:44:00+00:006:44 am|Confidence|0 Comments

Why Do You Hold Back?

Does it feel like you're holding back on your real purpose and talents? Do you feel that you're only living life half way? Don't get too hard on yourself if that's what you feel. There seems to be some type of epidemic going on with professional, mid-life women.

By |2010-05-21T00:19:26+00:0012:19 am|Business Growth|0 Comments
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