Do you want to market to the Billion Dollar Babies – the baby boomers? If so, get “Hip” to diversity marketing. Boomers introduced the most diversity in consumer groups in the world.  So expect to sharpen your skills at marketing to diverse consumer groups when targeted this demographic.

Many marketers make the mistake of thinking there are certain ways you can market to all Boomers – a big mistake.   As of 2004, an estimated 9.1 millions Baby Boomers were Black and 8.0 million were Hispanic.

Every State in the United States has a significant boomer population except Utah. This was the only state during the last census that had a Boomer population of less than 25 percent. 

 Boomers have a style that is mature while young looking. Don’t use anything frumpy” in your marketing or in yourself; leave that for the parents of Boomers.

You can’t fit this consumer group  into one square peg. Diversity marketing is huge with Boomers. They are more ethnically, socially, and economically diverse than any other age group.  Forget trying to shove the cookie-cutter products or services on this group.  Instead, give them personalized and customized services and products that respond to their particular needs and lifestyle.