We know that exercise improves health because we’ve read about it. We also know that it helps with longevity and a more youthful appearance. But, yet and still, it is hard to keep the fire burning so that we stick with an exercise program long enough to see these results.

No matter how you put it, exercise is still exercise. It’s nice to tell people that you work out, but getting prepared to do it day in and day out is another matter entirely. It can be challenging to start and also to continue. So, what keeps you motivated?

Here are some keys that can help you to motivate yourself and others to take up the lifelong activity.

  • Choose an exercise that you love to do – Let’s face it; if you don’t like to do it, then you won’t want to get up in rain, sleet or snow and get the job done. There are tons of activities that bring physical activity and challenge your heart and lungs. You don’t have to run if it is monotonous to you. Maybe you like the aerobic studio or dancing. The point is to get moving and stay moving.
  • Work out with a friend – All of us know at least one person who wants to get in better shape. Ask that person to participate in regular exercise sessions with you. It can be meeting at the gym, in the park, on the tennis court or in your living room to do an exercise video. One thing that the buddy system does for you is motivate you to get better. The competition is contagious. You will constantly want to outdo each other, thereby having fun and getting in shape.
  • Measure your results – The greatest motivator is a changed life. At the beginning of any exercise program, there will be hard days and painful days as your body adapts to the new activity. Over time, keeping track of your progress can leave you wanting more. Try on your clothing. Is there more room in the waist than two weeks ago? Are your arms looking slimmer in that sleeveless top after lifting weights?
  • Begin a training program – So you’ve been exercising for a while and are getting a little complacent. Set goals for yourself. Losing weight can be a vague goal that is hard to hold on to. If you like to run, how about training for a local race? This will give you the motivation you need to continually challenge your body and mind.
  • Reward yourself – For every good week, try a reward system. It can be a massage, a new article of clothing or something else entirely – as long as it’s not food. Getting to do something you like as a result of a good exercise week can spur you on to new goals.

Motivation can be hard to come by, especially with exercise. Use these tips above to keep yourself encouraged.