National Association for Christian Women in Business

baby boomers

Home/Tag: baby boomers

How to Market to Boomers

If you want start targeted the Baby Boomer consumer demographic in your marketing efforts and desire to develop a sustained customer base with Baby Boomers, show Boomers that you understand they are a savvy group of potential customers. When you advertise to this market group, show that you know what you are talking about and deliver a message that speaks Boomer language while addressing their interests.

By |2010-03-03T22:08:25+00:0010:08 pm|Business Growth, Marketing|0 Comments

Build a Boomer Eager Business Reputation

If someone had a billion dollars and offered to give you some, would you take the time to build up the professional reputation needed to work with that person? Well, that's what's happening when it comes to the Baby Boomer consumer market. This group is a billion-dollar market that's open and ready to work with Boomers and others that have the prodcuts and services they seek.

By |2010-03-03T22:02:56+00:0010:02 pm|Business Growth|0 Comments

Get “Hip” to Diversity Marketing

Do you want to market to the Billion Dollar Babies - the baby boomers? If so, get "Hip" to diversity marketing. Boomers introduced the most diversity in consumer groups in the world. So expect to sharpen your skills at marketing to diverse consumer groups when targeted this demographic.

By |2010-03-03T21:44:29+00:009:44 pm|Marketing|0 Comments

Why Change can Be a Boomer’s Best Friend

Now you’re facing life and professional changes. Even if you’re still gainfully employed the idea of starting your own business or pursuing that long-lost idea still nags at you. If you’re alive and breathing it’s never too late to try something new. Change can be your best friend when you take steps to make it work for you. Here are a few ideas to start your thinking process so you can see that facing change at this stage in life can be a Boomer's best friend when you harness that change for your good.

By |2010-03-03T20:29:08+00:008:29 pm|Change Management|0 Comments

Boomers in Transition!

Baby Boomers are in transition. After years of working for others including family and companies, Boomers are getting laid off or downsized; some are just on the move and trying to start over at a later age in life. This can be the time to pursue that dream venture you've always waited to do.

By |2010-03-03T20:20:47+00:008:20 pm|Change Management|0 Comments
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