Why is focusing on one project at time so hard to do? I am thoroughly convinced that business and organization professionals have some of the most highly creative minds around and highly creative minds just can’t help having ideas pop into their heads. Invited or not, you’re going to get wonderful exciting ideas that just won’t go away.

Ideas jump in your head as you walk down the street or drive to the store. That’s because the process of creativity happens when you see something mundane and combine that with something else. It can be combining two mundane things or something you do everything with a new twist.

That’s what business innovators do – they create new potential income generating ideas. But to get anything completed and to the target market you have to be focused. Focus on one idea and take it to fruition. That’s how to reach goals and be prosperous.

A major reason why so many small, independent service operations fail is because of a lack of completion in product and service development. You have to have something to offer clients. Jumping from one idea to the next leaves everything half done.

Remember your other ideas by filing them away in a safe place. That way they won’t distract you as you pursue your present course of action. Think of these ideas as something great whose time hasn’t come yet. As tough as it can be, learn to focus, set incremental steps to completion and finish what you start. Focus, focus, focus is the key to reaching goals.