Are you a business woman who has written a solid, focused, measurable goal for your business?  Are the next steps you intend to take to meet your intentions and expetactions clear? In order to reach bold goals in your business you have to write ones that are specific, measuarable, attainable, reachable and timely.  This results in creating a SMART goal. With written goal setting a business woman knows what to reach for therefore it’s not a surprise where you end up because you plan the course of your steps. 
The Bible encourages a woman of faith to move forward with confidence; even if you don’t feel certain at all times on each step:  

I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.”  Philippains 3:13-14 (The Message).

If you haven’t written your goals what are you waiting for?  Do you have a vision of where you want to go?  Have you prayed about the direction of your business and life?  If the vision you see in your heart is beyond anything you would determine for yourself, it is a great God-sized vision waiting to be embraced. If the vision is a bit scary and overwhelming don’t back away.  Write it down so the vision is clear.  Turn the vision into a goal statement with SMART goals and keep your eye on the goal “where God is beckoning” the woman in business to go.