The person in right standing before God by trusting him really lives.”  Roman 1:17 Peterson

As a Christian business–woman do you have the confidence to run your business with gusto? If not, you are unfortunately not alone. A lack of confidence is one of the worst things that hinder women in business. However, for Christian business-woman, having strong confidence to run a business reflects on your Christian faith. Here are 7 steps to being the confident Christian business- woman you were born to be.

  1. Remember, it’s not about you. It is easy to forget that being confident in what you do is not about you at all. As a Christian business-woman, you have a unique way to give glory to God; by being successful in reaching outstanding goals that obviously are not possible through your own doing. Make it obvious that your confidence is not in your own abilities but stem from your faith and trust in the Lord as you pursue big goals.
  2. Go for the Gold. This means have the confidence to not draw back from being competitive until you reach your goals. Business is a competitive activity. You must be good at what you do, offer unique products and services that provide benefits to others, and be confident enough to tell your target market that you are the best business for her or him to select. Be competitive enough to keep promoting what you have to offer until you reach high levels of business success.
  3. Be a Decider. Learn to make a strong, confident decision. Confident business-women make decisions that others can depend on. To have people support you and your business, and have trust in you, have the confidence to make decisions that move your business to the next level even if it means taking some risks.
  4. Create Business Plans. Confidence comes from having a plan. Creating a business plan, either for a business start up or for moving your business to the next level is a powerful confidence building step for Christian business- women. Without plans, you will easily get overwhelmed with busyness that does not lead to goal outcomes. Take the time to create business plans and then use that business plan as your daily activity roadmap.
  5. Keep Purpose in Mind. Another confidence builder for the Christian woman is to always remember that a part of your life purpose is expressed through operating a successful business. When you are sure that your life purpose is to succeed in the world of commerce your confidence will be at a peak level. You might own your own business, work at the executive level, run a non-profit agency, or freelance on your own time. When you know that business is what you are supposed to do in life, it will keep your confidence high.
  6. Keep Going. Confident women don’t quit when the going gets tough. In fact, the tougher the going, the more energizing it can be for the confident Christian woman in business. You know that you will never be given more than you can bear. Therefore, challenges can be faced with excitement and great anticipation of what you will learn as you push towards your expected outcomes despite the hardships.
  7. Understand Your Influence. Being a confident Christian business-woman means always keeping in mind the influence you have in the world. By achieving great goals in the world of business, you serve as a leader and role model to others who would choose to enter the world of economic development. This adds the extra responsibility of maintaining your integrity at all times and consistently working at the highest ethical levels possible.

Keep these considerations in mind as you go through your business day and let your confidence in your ability to operate a successful be a daily tribute to God. Learn more about how to build your confidence by connecting with other Christian women in business and continue to be a role model to other women who need support and confidence in their business pursuits.