Twitter can be a fantastic business building tool. However, it can also be a waste of your time. Sometimes your followers aren’t your prospects. Other times it can be difficult to grow a large follower base. Not to worry – there are smart ways you can build a large and high quality follower base on Twitter.

Step One: Connect with industry leaders

One of the best ways to connect with a high quality follower base is to go right to the source. Who are the industry leaders? Who are the respected gurus in your niche? These are the people to connect with on Twitter. They have a devoted following of people who are in your same industry.

For example, if you’re in the pet training business then you may want to connect with Caesar Millan on Twitter. Chances are most of his followers would also be interested in your products or services.

Connecting with industry leaders can be tough. Most business owners know that it’s important to only follow those people who you can legitimately call friends or associates. If you’re following thousands of people, it can be difficult to connect. Go ahead and follow your industry leaders. Respond to their posts with intelligent and relevant comments. You may motivate them to follow you.

Step Two: Speaking of intelligent and relevant comments…

One of the best ways to build a large and high quality follower base is to provide valuable information. Dedicate yourself to offering valuable content on a daily basis. Some of this content can be links to your own website or blog. However, some of it should be value for the sake of value.

When you consistently offer benefit to Twitter members, they’ll begin following you so they have access to all of your posts and information. Create a plan to offer regular installments of valuable information.

Step Three: Become an active participant

Too many business owners simply publish links and promotions. They don’t interact. That’s actually a great way to build a lousy following. If you want to build a large and dedicated following of prospects and customers, then interact with them.
Participate in conversations related to your industry. Offer assistance, advice, and information. Twitter is a social networking site – emphasize the social. Create a plan to participate on a daily basis with your fellow Tweeters. The more you interact, the bigger and better your following will be.

Building a large and high quality following on Twitter isn’t difficult. However, it does take time, energy, dedication and a strategic plan. Take advantage of all Twitter has to offer. Grow your following and grow your business.